Akosua Bonsu is Making a Difference.
My name is Akosua Bonsu. In 2013, I was selected from a national competition to represent Manitoba on an international trade and development mission to Asia, hosted by Global Vision and the Junior Team Canada program. During that mission, I was a Junior Team Canada delegate, responsible for carrying out mandates and promoting Canadian industry overseas. This summer, my responsibilities increased as I was appointed Head Team Leader of the mission. Throughout the journey, I was responsible for all of the team leaders and their training and preparation prior to the mission, in addition to acting as the liaison between the team leaders and the director. I also served as one of the director's assistants, further aiding the director in planning and coordinating events on the ground, managing day-to-day business, and ensuring the successful leadership and management of the organization while overseas. These new positions allowed me to to explore my leadership style, develop my skills, and delve deeper into what it means to be an effective leader.
Upon my return, I took a few days to recuperate before embarking on my next mission to Swaziland. While there, our duties were many but the goals were few: support the work that has been helping children overcome the fight against HIV/AIDS and extreme material poverty; and cherish, uplift, and love Riverwood Church’s sponsor children in Swaziland. The time we spent there was meaningful as we offered activities and experiences for the children that they normally would not have. Many of the children came from very difficult situations, and I was grateful to be used to communicate love and value to each of them.
My personal growth is a true testament to the value in investing in the next generation, as the investments made by the Rotary Club of Winnipeg West back in 2013 continue to pay off. As the Club continues to support me today, I further grow in my capacity to lead, learn, and make a positive difference in the lives of others; and as I learn from all the experiences I am so fortunate to have, I continue to give back to those who have supported me along the way.
Akosua in China
Akosua making a difference in Swaziland