The Golden Rainbow fund allows the Rotary Club of Winnipeg West to continue to make a difference. Our vision is commitment to service above self. We contribute to the betterment of our community and world by supporting causes that allow youth to reach their full potential.
The Story and history of the Golden Rainbow:
The year was 1975. A group of Rotarians from the Rotary club of Winnipeg West set out and were granted a Charitable Donation number by the Federal Government. The club’s Charitable Trust (CT) was created.
Initially donations were small and they were spent on an as received basis on community service projects. In 1987, the club decided to establish a Permanent Endowment Fund (PEF), the investment proceeds of which would be spent on projects. As of June 1987 the PEF capital was only a few thousand dollars, and by the year 2000 it had grown substantially to over $30,000.
In 2001, to commemorate the club's 50th anniversary, a major funding drive among its members and friends of Rotary was initiated under the direction of Don McKenzie then Chair of the CT. Gifts and 3-year funding pledges raised an additional $61,000 for the PEF, which was renamed the Golden Rainbow Fund (GRF). Also, in 2001, it was decided to transfer the GRF to the Winnipeg Foundation (WF) for ongoing investment. As of 2002 the club began to receive an annual grant from the WF.
A second major fundraiser was undertaken to mark the club’s Diamond Anniversary in 2011. Don McKenzie again chaired the CT in this endeavor. Between 2001 and 2011, the GRF grew to approximately $171,000 aided by the 2 anniversary fundraisers, other donations, and a significant bequest from former member Bob Mondy.
In 2018, sadly Don McKenzie passed away. He generously left a major bequest to the Golden Rainbow Fund. In recognition of his leadership skills in establishing and fund-raising, the club created the Don McKenzie Certificate of Appreciation. These certificates are awarded on an annual basis to those who make a significant donation to the GRF. These individuals are honored at our annual holiday luncheon.
Each year our club is provided with income from the fund that we inject into the community continuing our legacy and supporting causes that allow youth to reach their full potential. This story isn't over, our feats of kindness and philanthropy have just begun.