The Chicken Fest Wind-up was a great success with approximately 95 people in attendance. David and Irene Deane did a great job of providing everyone with their choice of pickerel or steak, even though the BBQ wouldn’t stay lit! President Michael Charach thanked everyone for coming and then introduced Chicken Fest Chairman, Bruce McKenzie.
Bruce asked the members of the CF Committee to stand and then thanked them for their dedication and hard work throughout the planning process. He also thanked the various entertainers, with both the Southglen Fiddlers and the Dixieland Band being in attendance. He recognized the contributions made by Rotarians, their families and friends, Chicken Delight, Stan’s ‘groupies’ (the 21 drivers), the Air Cadets and Pathfinders, MDAM, CRF and all of the other organizations. It takes approximately 100 people to put on Chicken Fest.
President Michael and Bruce presented a $15,000 cheque to both the Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba and to the Children’s Rehabilitation Foundation.
Bonnie Bricker, on behalf of the MDAM, thanked the Club and stated that the Rotarians are an amazing group of people who accomplish things with a heart full of goodness. Bonnie was grateful for the Club’s generosity and stated that they are happy to be able to continue to help Rotary in the future.
Christine Schollenberg thanked the Club on behalf of the Children’s Rehabilitation Foundation. Rotary’s donation will go towards providing two new summer camps. One camp is with Winnipeg Harvest where they will be teaching gardening to disabled children and the second one is a cooking camp that will be starting next week.